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At Basildon C.E. Primary School, we have a vision that all children will be equip to harness technology in a safe, purposeful and creative way. Pupils will gain an understanding of computational systems of all kinds which allows one to solve problems and design systems. As computing is a fundamental part of our everyday life, we aim to provide all our children with the skills and knowledge to be a competent computing user, as this will be imperative in our children’s futures.


Classrooms are resourced with interactive whiteboards, an iPad and a teaching PC, all of which are used to enhance children’s learning.


The school also has a bank of chrome books which are used to both support the teaching of computing and to support the wider curriculum. Upper key stage 2 children also have an iPad assigned to them to support their learning.


Staff will use Purple Mash as an overview for planning computing sessions. It has overview documents for each year group containing mapping information of these strands of the National Curriculum to ensure appropriate coverage.

What computing looks like in lessons:


  • A combination of small group and whole class teaching

  • Use of Chromebooks and/or iPads

  • Children follow direct instructions on how to use hardware or software

  • A variety of plugged and unplugged activities

  • Independent and collaboration tasks

  • 1 session a week


What computing looks like outside of lessons:


  • Opportunities to use technology across the curriculum

  • Coding Club

  • Online safety talks

  • Online Class Dojo platform used by staff to share in class learning

  • Interactive whiteboards used when teaching to enrich the delivery of lessons

Formative Assessment


  • Verbal feedback- the majority of feedback is in conversation with the pupil at the time of learning.

Summative Assessment

  • Teachers can use the assessment sheets on Purple Mash to summarise assessments of pupils’ work over each unit

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Subject leaders map tier two vocabulary across each milestone and tier three vocabulary for each unit. Dual coding is used to support the discreet teaching of computing vocabulary across the curriculum.

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The school’s curriculum driver of diversity underpins the entire computing curriculum. Teachers actively seek opportunities to promote and celebrate diversity across the curriculum where ever appropriate.

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