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Basildon Church of England Primary School is a state maintained primary school.

We have to fundraise for those aspects of our school business that are not covered by our Department for Education funding.  Our DfE funding covers the core cost of delivering the national curriculum, including salaries, basic teaching resources, lighting, heating and some basic maintenance. 


It does not cover the cost of

- major upgrades to school facilities, although we are able to apply for capital funds when these are available;

- our essential enrichment programme of class and lunchtime activities, which support the holisitic development of pupils;

- our STEAM, PSED and Arts curricular enrichment weeks;

- educational visits that further develop pupil knowledge and understanding of aspects of their learning.

As a result, we will need to ask for your contributions towards the enrichment activities and educational visits to ensure we can offer our varied programme.

We would also greatly appreciate additional donations, no matter what size, are invaluable.

Donations can be given as set out below.

We are incredibly fortunate to have a team of supportive parents who give freely of their time to arrange events for the pupils, school and wider village communities. 


The monies raised from such events are donated to support projects that have been agreed by the Headteacher and Chair(s) of the Basildon School Association.  Such projects have included the purchase of interactive screens for the classrooms, chromebooks, furniture, outdoor play equipment, to name just a few.

All of the monies raised directly support our pupils academic learning and wellbeing.

Your donations would support the school in a variety of ways - purchasing the 'nice to haves' , carrying out essential decorating or even, funding major works such as replacing lights and windows.

We welcome conversations with all who wish to know more about how we invest your donations.

We recognise that for some giving financially may be a challenge.  We also welcome those who can give their time and energy to support other activities in school such as listening to pupils read, odd jobs on site days, gardening, sharing their talents and know how during one of our enrichment weeks... If you have time or skills that you would like to put to good use, please contact us by email or phone 01491 671445

Please accept our thanks for all your support be that in time, talents or money:

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